Massage Therapy (STM)
Integrated massage techniques are used that involve any of the following: Swedish massage techniques, myofascial stretching/release, Trigger Point hold and release , gentle assisted/passive range of motion, Scar tissue release, Manual Lymph Drainage, Craniosacral bodywork.
Unscented HobaCare jojoba oil is used as
the medium.
As part of your massage therapy sesion, you may also choose to add in Manual Lymph Drainage techniques to help with post-surgical swelling/scarring & also for health maintenance. Click below for more information & Contraindications.
Please note - I do not perform "deep pressure" massage. To gain access to deeper muscles/fascia, I use techniques that are slow and rhythmic that invite the layers of connective tissue to relax and allow natural access to the deeper layers. You will not feel "deep pressure". If deep pressure is what you seek, you can text me for names of therapists who perform this work and I will be happy to refer them to you.
30 min .... $57
45 min ..... $77
60 min ......$87
75 min ......$107
90 min ......$122
120 min ... $162

Craniosacral bodywork (CST)
Craniosacral (therapy) bodywork uses light touch (fully clothed), noninvasive techniques that complement your body's natural healing process. CST works with the fluid that surrounds your brain & spinal cord (cerebrospinal fluid). Your therapist (Julie) will follow your body's cues. Our bodies only need the gentle touch as a reminder to move itself toward healing and wholeness. Once your body receives this gentle reminder through CST, it will naturally flow toward that path.
Are you feeling anxious, depressed, overwhelmed, or stressed out? Do you have chronic pain or headaches that just will NOT go away? Give Craniosacral therapy a try - It may be helpful and is fantastic for health maintenance. (60-65 minutes).
It Feels like you're giving yourself a "reset" for the day.
30 minute ... $57
60 min ... $87
Vibration Massage Through
1) Introduction to Metal Bowls & Weighted Tuning forks : Vibration massage

Deep relaxation of body & mind simultaneously through the modalities of weighted tuning forks and himalayan metal bowls. These instruments introduce frequencies through vibration into your body to induce a parasympathetic state of mind and being. You will feel relaxed beyond belief as your body and mind travel to that in between state: between waking and dreaming - A place where you can heal on a very deep level.
30 minute .... $57
60 minute .... $87
75 minute combo ... $107 (60 min +clothed neck/upper back OR 20-25 minutes with metal bowls & tuning forks + massage )
90 minute combo ... $122( with craniosacral work OR massage)
What clients are saying:
Please click here to see information page for quotes on client's experiences
Precautions & Contraindications:
Please see information page by clicking the link above
2) Vibroacoustics: A whole body & mind sound vibration experience

18-25 minutes = $32
35-40 minutes = $47
VAT (VibroAcoustic Therapy) is a non-invasive, energy-based alternative approach to wellness, and works by harnessing the healing power of sound converted into vibration.
Our bodies are composed mainly of water, so these sound vibrations set the water into motion at a deep cellular level, reverberating throughout the entire body.
The molecules begin reacting and communicating with each other, leading to a sense of deep relaxation as well as a more balanced and healthier state of being.
To learn more and to schedule your appointment, please click on the above "information" link
What clients are saying:
VAT with gentle night-time crickets as background: “I can’t believe how relaxed my body and my mind are while I’m lying on the sound lounge table. it’s just what I need when I’m having a busy or stressful day & I don’t have time for a massage. It is unreal how my brain can shut off and my body feels so still! ”
VAM (VibroAcoustic Music) on Sound table listening to ‘Water Of Life’: “ That was SO relaxing. I felt myself go into that relaxed brain state a few times. The vibration is very subtle through the table but it definitely got the job done. I use the bass belt at home; The vibration coming from that feels very strong & it helps me feel relaxed, BUT the sound table was a different level of relaxation - it got me into a higher meditative state.”
More comments on information page
Yoga Nidra 1:1 Meditation, Stretch, Massage

Also known as The Yoga Of Sleep, Yoga Nidra meditation brings us on a journey through the many layers of the body toward a deep sense of wholeness and realization of our true self.
Yoga Nidra is practiced in a relaxed position (lying down on your back or reclined). Your session with Julie will include a brief stretch before and after the meditation as well as (time permitting) a brief scalp/neck massage &/or a short vibration sound massage with metal bowls or tuning forks.
60 minute ....$87
What clients are saying: